This site has been abandoned.

GameLink was officially disbanded in 1998.

A new organization, The Gamelink Foundation, now exists to support families of homicide victims.

EDIT: hey, Jack here!, I'm currently trying to rebuild this site that since been abandoned around the late 90's. One reason being archival purposes. Other reason because my Cousin worked for this company back then, she went missing around 1996-1997. when i asked around the city of what happened around that time. everyone was clueless. some were resistant of discussing on the matter. It's kinda like everybody in the city agreed to never discuss what happened.

Fortunately, I discovered some of the site's files in my cousin's old computer hard drive. So i'm willing to try and put them up as fast as possible, tho im incredibly busy recently due to school, but also because sometimes I feel like this site is so old it sometime's has a mind of it's own. I'll keep you all updated!

UPDATE #1 - 10/01/1999: hey guys! Recently discovered some files for the website, Unfortunately I'm currently heavily busy with my store. I've been keeping in contact with this kid which he entered my store yesterday morning. looking for games to buy, I gave him one on the house, later that day around the afternoon, He started to panic about how the game spoke to him and how it's related to the random earthquake that happened yesterday, I just didn't really care, so I just wanted him to buy some other game because I wanna go on vacation after New Year's