Palehaven Watch - Local blog for events in the city.

Employee's Still Missing.

Breaking News

Many disappearances around the city specifically the workers from GAMELINK. We want justice for the families around the city, including mine! Gamelink opened a foundation after their disbandonment for families of homicide victims, especially for the Gamelink Employee's families.

Community Spotlight


Meet the Dog who warmed all of our hearts. Awww so cute, if you see this dog wondering around the city. give him a treat he deserves it!

Is this city cursed?


Residents are still puzzled and frightened over the rumors going around the city. A rumor about a massacre of the game company GAMELINK! Missing posters everywhere, Concern families. Some saying our city is cursed. It seems that way, but we must prevail this situation.

Creator of the Site

About the Creator

My name is Chase Hall. For the last decade, my brother, Carmine Hall, worked as a Junior Programmer for the well-known game company GAMELINK. His job primarily involved creating prototypes for the company. On September 13, 1996, Carmine went missing. That morning, he entered the GAMELINK building at 7 AM, as confirmed by company records. But when the workday ended, he never clocked out. Concerned employees checked the logs there was no record of him ever leaving the building. Later that evening, his company issued watch was found inside the building, abandoned. So what happened? Did he decide to walk away from his life, disappearing without a trace? Or is something far more sinister at play? GAMELINK’s negligence, security failures, and questionable actions need to be exposed. Carmine remains missing to this day, officially labeled deceased, but I refuse to let his story be forgotten. To whoever is responsible for his disappearance, I hope you rot in hell.